The second Coeliac Society (SANT) expo, Gluten Matters, was a great success. I saw and met many more exhibitors than in 2015, especially local businesses. It’s a good sign that Adelaide is becoming more aware of the gluten problem and is offering more gluten-free alternatives.
Walking through the aisles, we were overwhelmed by the inviting aromas coming from the stands, as operators prepared samples for tasting. Believe me, there was so much choice that it was impossible to taste everything!
The event is run completely by volunteers and is a huge undertaking. The organising committee from Coeliac Society SANT, headed by Susanne Flint, did an amazing job – showing that love and understanding helps all of us to reach our goals. Well done!
And now, a few photos (and a BIG thank you to Nadia Gaggioli for the fabulous pictures!).
Just Gluten Free stand
Sabine conducting one of several demonstrations
One of the nice things about cooking in an environment so full of aromas and colours is that you can create a new recipe on the spot. Here, WILDE beer takes the place of wine – and it gave the dish a wonderful taste!
Narelle Gordon from Wilde Beer
How wonderful it is when a friend pops in to say hello in support of your efforts! Saskia Beer
Then, there are those people who you don’t see often, but it’s always a pleasure when you meet. In an instant, you find yourself talking about recipes and ideas for new projects!
Cara from Gluten Free Life Magazine.
The second edition of FODMAPPER was released on 10th April. If you are interested in new FODMAP recipes, don’t miss this magazine!
Have you checked out Lisa’s blog – Alternative Chef Kitchen? Lots of ideas and recipes to try. And soon, Lisa and I will have a chat to talk about our food passions – keep a look out for that!